May 26, 2009

Just a few things.

I'm sore from packing yesterday. Actually sore. My legs. My back. My neck. I got my first battle wound on the inside of my elbow picking up a box. I'm tired. How am I supposed to run 13.1 miles on Saturday after packing / moving all week? Oh - & I haven't gone on a run since Thursday. I've just been exhausted. Not good.

I thought The Bachelorette was really stupid last night. Most of the guys are gross, especially the serial killer with the foot fetish. He terrifies me. And Jillian really needs to stop acting like one of the boys if she doesn't want to get the friend card pulled on her again. And stop saying awesome! so much. And giving high-fives. Just saying. But - I want to look like her in a bikini. She's rockin' it, & I'm jealous. 

I had breakfast with Ruth at Bagel Bob's this morning. I love Bagel Bob's. It's on 1st Avenue @ 86th Street, just a few blocks from our (current) apartment. Sometimes a bagel is just so good. My very favorite is the everything bagel with bacon + scallion cream cheese at Bruegger's Bagels in New Canaan, but you can't find that cream cheese anywhere else (disappointing). This morning I went for the cinnamon & raisin bagel with strawberry cream cheese. Toasted, of course.

It's really hard introducing myself to new people lately, especially when confronted with the What do you do? question. I still feel like a total slacker some days, especially when I consider that summer is coming. I do. I always describe the momentum of the last few months like slamming into a brick wall while going 85mph, except my brick wall is full of New York City explorations & cupcakes, which clearly makes things a little bit easier (& I'm grateful). But still - I need to remind myself of how I felt when I wrote this post every so often - & then how I felt when these came in the mail from my sweet friend Caitlin -  because it's easy to forget that simple truth when I'm acutely aware of the fact that I don't have children, I don't have a job & some days I don't get dressed until 1pm. But I'm happy with my life right now, 99.8% of the time. I am.

My parents were at Priest Lake all weekend & I was jealous. August. Can't wait. 


Louise said...

I never ate at Bruegger's Bagels in NC - is it new? I'll have to recommend it to Cathy!! ;o)

I have been in situations previously where the "what do you do" question made me....well, I think I felt judged when my answer didn't "fit" the asker's expectations. But a talk by Elder Oaks - "The Challenge to Become", October 2000 - helped me with my perspective on this and he said "In contrast to the institutions of the world, which teach us to KNOW something, the gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to BECOME something". I love that. The world would judge us on what we know and what we do and what we acquire....and the Saviour judges us on who we are becoming. And also on the condition of our heart. I cannot think of a fairer and more consoling thought.

Enjoy this time - you deserve it, and you will surely never get it back!

Missy said...

Wow, Louise - that comment was fabulous! I'm going to check that talk out and share it with Devin for FHE.

I don't know how to follow it up with much except that we have bruegger's Bagels here and they're tasty! I love our Bagel Shack though - definite hot spot and I LOVE bagels.

I was actually wondering while reading your blog the other day when you are going back to the lake. glad it is on the calendar.

emily said...

You are wonderful. Enjoy the time while you can because looking back on a time in my life like yours - it wasn't as long as it seemed at the time!

Most days I'm in my PJ's until 1 as well. :)

jocelyn said...

the bachelorette was UNBEARABLE. i don't think there is one guy there that is normal. when that guy kiss raped her i hid my head under the blanket. plus i feel like she is drinking a lot so she is acting really loopy. but you're right, she is teeny tiny in her little bikini!