May 6, 2009

I'd like to buy some diamonds all of a sudden.

I ran a few errands in midtown before meeting Mike for dinner last night, pre-concert. I was walking by Harry Winston & fell in love with their new window displays. I love the exotic animals in every window, the large ones draped in precious stones. Stunning, I think. The duck is my very favorite.

It was such a beautiful time of night. Sort of stormy, threatening & angry skies & the most interesting lighting.


Jan said...


Jill said...

wow! those are stunning.

p.s. this really fits with my dad's explanation of 'pecking disease'... all of those birds.

Tara Edwards said...

WoW! I would be OK with any of those :)

Missy said...

This was fun window shopping for me (even through a computer screen).

suz said...

ohhhhh, I like the duck too!