May 6, 2009


We saw Adele perform last night at The Roseland Ballroom (Mike's Valentine's Day gift to me this year). I really do love her. Amazing talent, incredible voice & I loved that she played her own instruments so well. She was witty, personable & humble. She kept saying, I'm so nervous! I can't believe I'm in New York! over & over again - & she tossed candy out to the audience (including massive lollipops) throughout her set. Oh - & her massive amount of sparkly eyeshadow was just beautiful. It seems to be her signature look. Fun.

I do wish, however, that someone decided that listening to a concert in seats (or outdoors in an amphitheater on a blanket with snacks) is so much better than standing for four hours. Ouch.

We got home just in time for me to pack, get four hours of sleep & then head to LaGuardia for my 7am flight this morning (I'm in Colorado for the next 5 days). It was worth it.

(This is what it feels like to be a bit small in stature at a concert with an unusual number of tall men.)


Heidi said...

Very cool I would love to see her in concert.

Kellie said...

She was super humble in SLC too. She kept saying she couldn't believe that many people in UT had heard of her. And wow, what a voice! I second the standing at concerts comment, seats are not over rated :)

suz said...

I went to a concert last year that was standing only and it made me feel old. I wanted to sit and enjoy.