May 7, 2009

I'm such a good aunt.

I only resorted to Dora after practicing summersaults, playing soccer, having a dance party, spinning & spinning until we fell over, watching Pixar short films, playing with dolls & jumping on the couch.


Unknown said...

have you learned about (they also have a playhouse disney site.) it's my bribery tool around here.

Jill said...

you really are such a good aunt/babysitter. have fun in CO!

The Jackson Three said...

Sometimes that is just what they want, and it gives you a minute to stop moving which is magic!

Angie said...

You are a great aunt! I have to tell you, my parents and I are basically going down your list of things to do in NY and doing everything we can while they're here. We had breakfast at Norma's this morning AND cookies at Levain AND a steak dinner at Peter Luger. I know, we are crazy. But it has been delicious and fun, so thanks for all the recommendations!

Elizabeth said...

FUn I am jealous.. I wish I could sit like that..

Abbie said...

So, I should confess. I'm blog stalking you. I found you through Foxy's mommy. We're moving to NYC in August and I'm completely obsessed with all things NY (including people with blogs that live there that just might be LDS). There. I feel so much better getting that off my chest. I hope you don't mind if I pop back to stare at your pictures.

Lula. said...

why do kids like those shows so much? seriously. its elmo at our house. i have tried all the cuter, more creative cartoons like pixar's, but its always that elmo...