May 12, 2009

May 12.

Today, I:

Unpacked. * Went on an excursion with (not-so-bizarro) Jill to girl heaven - Sephora & then Bloomingdales at 59th Street, where we analyzed shades of MAC shadows & had some frozen yogurt from Forty Carrots (it's good & totally counts as a real lunch, in case you were wondering). Oh - & I might love Bloomingdales as much as Nordstrom now. Lovely customer service. My wallet (bright orange patent leather) had turned a slightly funny color on the edges. Have I mentioned I'm sort of OCD? I am, & the slightly funny color made me sort of anxious. I showed the woman at the counter, & voila - she gave me a brand new one (but I chose bright blue this time). It's fun & the color makes me happy, even though I'm not a blue person. * Visited my dermatologist, who spent the first ten minutes discussing shoes with me (I wore gold sandals today, & she liked them). She's fun, but also gave me good, practical advice - e.g. don't spend a lot of money on cleansers (rather, invest on what stays on your face). Toners & complicated skincare regimes are a waste of time & money. Her advice: Cleanse. Wear sunscreen (she like's Neutrogena). Use a moisturizer with antioxidants (she recommended La Roche-Posay, a line that is now available at drug stores in New York for a fraction of the price it costs overseas). Use Retin A. That's about it. * Met up with my friend Alyson at the Starbucks in the lobby of the McKinsey building where I used to work (with her). She's fun & we don't get together often enough - but always in late October or early November, to celebrate our birthdays. * Wandered. * Talked to Mike for 47 seconds. That wasn't long enough. * Met with my almost-for-sure new landlord who was in from London. He was wearing a $240 tie, offered me sound career advice & told me our new building is like one big happy Upper East Side family. I think it will be a good situation for us (fingers crossed, pending final approval - moving into a co-op is complicated). * Stopped by the grocery store since I came home to a fridge full of... nothing. Purchased: Bananas. Milk. Sugar Snap Peas. Baklava (for dinner tonight). Not sure how practical the selection was, but I picked up what looked good. * Barely recognized my street on the way home. I was in a canopy of leaves. * Loved spring.


Heidi said...

Retina A- good reminder. I need to get some.

erin said...

i might be visiting this derm of yours. need me a good mole check, and i'm sure that was tmi. i need a run-down of the current apartment situation. should they not just let you in already?

Jill said...

yesterday was fun. i'm enjoying my eyeshadow and blush. new make-up is the best! glad the meeting went well with soon to be landlord.

Diana said...

i love the advice of your derm. it seems like skin care is too darn many lotions and potions and alpha hydroxy this and peptide that. i say, stick with the basics. i'm a fan of cetaphil cleanser. simple and clean. and i've heard good things about la roche-posay, too. i think they sell it at cvs.

anyway, love the random posts. :o)

Louise said...

I loved the skin care advice too! I hope you get to move into your apartment soon! Is your landlord American or British?

Missy said...

You can buy Retin-A? I've always heard of it, but never used it. What is it? And where do you get it? I actually really, really like Neutrogena products.

k. said...

You can't buy it Missy - you need a prescription. It's basically just a super high dose of Vitamin A - used to treat wrinkles, acne, etc... What are your favorite Neutrogena products? I use their cleansing wipes, sunscreen & eye makeup remover.