May 13, 2009

Our street.

I just looked at my calendar & realized that we are moving +/- two weeks from today (gulp). 

(Moving = only 16 blocks away. But in NYC, it may as well be cross-country.)


di said...

16 blocks away - uptown and across CP - would put you in the middle of know the neighborhood. :)

Lindsey said...


erin said...

take a deep breath. it will all work itself out. and in three weeks you will feel a lot better.

Jan said...

I can't wait to see your new digs, but you've been so lucky to have been able to enjoy York Avenue these past years. It's been marvelous. You'll make your new place lovely in no time though. The change will be great!

Caitlin said...

Moving is the worst but it sounds like (fingers crossed) you have found a gem of a place and I am so excited to see it, but more excited to come stay with you.