May 16, 2009

Some of my favorite things that other people said this week.

(but you have to actually go & read the posts/articles - I only provided snippets)

 Calling people to repentance has never been cool. Unfortunately. There's a precedent for prophetic lunacy. Prophets living in caves & eating locusts & honey or standing on walls & yelling down at people, arms flailing, or marrying prostitutes, or not marrying at all & telling the rest of us not to either, unless we can't keep our libidos in check; or that one man with several wives is okay; but then later it isn't okay. Still, they are prophets, so even with this crazy neighborhood flyer, I have to stop & ask, am I letting Satan in?

Call To Repentance - Apron Stage

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1) Decide to be imperfect. 2) Stop worrying about what other people think about you. 3) Exercise, exercise, exercise. (I hate this one the most). 7) Find someone to talk to. If your husband isn’t good at this, then find a girlfriend. Find a good therapist. (Not all therapists are equal—shop around) 5) Pray for guidance. Be specific. 6) Don’t be afraid of medication. This scares young people, but women of a certain age know that medication is a gift from God. It’s a gift. Insulin is a gift; so are serotonin inhibitors. 4) Don’t repeatedly thank your husband for “putting up with you.” He’s probably got some other kind of anxiety disorder like obsessive/compulsive disorder and is driving you out of your mind. 8) Take care of yourself. It’s not selfish. It’s good sense. (Oprah is right about this). 9) Turn dark thoughts into positive affirmations. 10) There is no ten. 11) Face your chemistry. Anxiety and panic disorders are chemical disorders and run in families. 15) Stop talking about having a nervous breakdown. There is no such thing as a nervous breakdown, especially now days with excellent meds. 20) Pretend you’re a cat and find a square of sunshine.

In a Panic - Apron Stage. 

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No SPF, not even 100+, offers 100 percent protection. What's more, b0th UVA & UVB radiation can lead to skin cancer, which is why dermatologists now advise using sunscreens with an SPF of at least 15 & UVA-fighting ingredients like an avobenzone that doesn't degrade in light or Mexoryl SX 

Skin Deep - New York Times

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The new look is still professional enough for work, even a business lunch. But it is quirky & cool enough to suggest that you haven't spent the last decade lounging in the old boys' room inhaling cigar smoke & default swaps.

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She had become tough, which is just about the saddest thing that a person could be. 

A Charming Day - Gypsy Girl

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