May 25, 2009

Someone get me an Ambien.

I'm doing this new thing lately (that's super cool) where I'm awake at totally inappropriate hours, i.e. all night long. My insomnia has sort of been viciously rampant this week, & I'm just about ready to become a sleeping pill addict for life to remedy the situation. Hopefully getting this move off of my plate later this week will cure it. I'm telling you, the wheels are spinning, & once they get going, it's sort of impossible for me to get them to stop. Lots & lots of spinning wheels & racing thoughts & such. It probably doesn't help that I'm already unpacking & organizing in my head, or that I took a 3+ hour nap yesterday because I was so blasted tired.

This morning - 4:45am, after about 4 hours of blissful sleep. Better than Friday night I suppose, where I probably slept 45 minutes total. But still. 4:45am? Really? Is that necessary? I think not. So I've been up, getting things done. 

Email landlord re: mail key, painting & move in date ✓ 
Order new desk (we'll have our very first desk!) 
Order laundry hamper (& find it $25 cheaper on Amazon than at Target)  
Check email 
Check the news (Drudge + New York Times) & get a little scared about N. Korea & nuclear war ✓
Read your blog  

I think I'll start packing up books in a minute, which should be quiet enough to not wake Mike up. He sleeps like a baby though, so I'm pretty sure I could saw apart our couch & throw it out the window while listening to my running playlist at full volume & he wouldn't wake up. I know this because I watched him (blissfully) sleep Friday night ALL. NIGHT. LONG. while I did various things in our room. My husband has the incredible ability to sleep through just about anything, anywhere. It sort of kills me, especially on red eye flights when I want to gouge my eyes out, the only person awake on the plane.


We got the keys to our apartment last night & went in to take another look. I had a pit in my stomach because really, I'm nervous. Will we like it? The apartment & the neighborhood? I'm pretty sure we will, but I'm (probably unnecessarily) nervous. To fit everything in our new space. To start over in a new neighborhood, especially. New York is made up of tiny little neighborhoods & they all have a very unique feel of their own. Moving from the Financial District to the Upper East Side (Yorkville, if we're being technical) 2 years ago felt almost like moving to a new city entirely. Moving from Yorkville to the heart of the Upper East Side might not be quite as drastic, but still. Where is the best place to buy fruit? And who is the friendliest dry cleaner? Who has Friday night sales on cereal? What's the best local restaurant? Best pizza delivery?

We walked the almost-mile home, & it was nice. There's a great pizza place a few blocks away. H&H Bagels is just around the corner. Atlantic Grill. Pinkberry is a 5 minute walk. A few Italian restaurants looked really yummy (& were packed, which is always a good sign). We'll certainly be conveniently well-fed.

Our apartment is small - smaller than what we're currently in, but bigger than our first on Wall Street. The bathroom doesn't have as much storage. The kitchen is going to be a tight squeeze for all of our pots & pans. Fitting all of my shoes into my (smaller) closet could be a bit of an issue. I want to paint a few walls (maybe grey). 

Monday To-Do: Go to Bed Bath & Beyond + The Container Store + Benjamin Moore. Pack life's belongings into lots of boxes.

Oh - & germs. I haven't even talked about those. See, it turns out that I know the previous tenant of our new apartment - a girl that I used to work with at Goldman (it's a small world after all, it's a small world after all...). She's a nice girl. I'm sure she kept it very tidy. But I'm going over this week & scrubbing down all of the walls, floors & appliances before we move anything in.

Anyway. 6am. Spinning wheels. Racing thoughts.

The sun is up. Time for breakfast I think. 


suz said...

I hope you have no trouble sleeping once your move is done 8)

Kellie said...

Good luck with the move. I'm sure everything will be smooth. It sounds like we would have been very close neighbors if we still lived there....

erin said...

idea: spa day once you're all moved in?

Jill said...

im exhausted just reading this post! im sorry you can't sleep...i had one of those nights last night. really anxious. not sure why. i got up to check on wyatt and see if he was still breathing. yeah, i was going crazy.

ps. let me know if i can help you. clean, pack, etc.

Missy said...

Moving does this to me too. It's exciting to move, but really, really hard.

My babies don't sleep through anything...wish they did! I have to use a fan for white noise in Chloe's room:)