Jun 28, 2009


We're back.

Costa Rica reminds me of an over-saturated photo. The brightness of the flowers, the contrast of the clouds & the sky, the lush green forests, the amazing animals. It's all a bit overwhelming for the senses at times, so beautiful that it almost takes your breath away.

I'm a little overwhelmed by over 1,300 photos (after deleting on-camera during our trip) that I really, really love. I tried to pick one favorite to post, but my "flagged" photos in iPhoto shot up above 50 in about 3 minutes. I'm not boasting. It's just a really beautiful country.

I like this black & white. It's straight off my camera, & I really love it, even though you can't see how green the trees, blue the water & white the clouds were. Playa Hermosa. One of the most amazing beaches I've ever been to, not because the water was so amazing (I wouldn't know - the waves were huge & the rip tide swift I'm sure - even the surfers were inside), but because I just wanted to sit there & stare at it all day long.

We got off the subway at 77th Street this afternoon with our suitcases & sunburns. I said Welcome home, Mike. His response? But it's not the jungle.

I agree. It's not the Costa Rican jungle full of monkeys, sloths, snakes & birds. I really, really loved the lush variety, but I like our concrete jungle, too.


Katherine said...

I am glad you had fun! I love Costa Rica too. Isn't Playa Hermosa unreal? Jaco a little on the dirty side but Playa Hermosa is heaven. Where else did you guys go? Did you do the waterfall hike 30 min. north of Hermosa? I can't wait to see your pictures!

Missy said...

You are back! Hooray! I missed your updates. Ooh I can not wait to see all the photos. Sounds like you had a great time...really, van not wait to see how it all was!

Unknown said...

fun. I can't wait to hear more. did you have to guard you beach gear from local monkeys? I love that place. I can't wait to take brad and hearing about you two there together makes me all the more excited.

erin said...

playa hermosa. how appropriate. glad you're back. let's eat.

Morgan said...
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Morgan said...

That picture is so pretty! Costa Rica sounds so beautiful. I've never been before, so I'm very excited to hear all about it.

Suzi said...

So glad you are back and that you had a great time! Can't wait to see all of the pictures.

Celine said...

I've heard from so many people that Costa Rica is such a beautiful place. I can't wait to see your pictures!

JC said...

LOVE this picture! So glad you're back, and I can't wait to see ALL pics! :)

Unknown said...

welcome home! i can't wait to see all the pics and here more about it. sounds like a dream paradise already!

Unknown said...

um, that's lindsey. :)

Louise said...

Hurrah, you're back! I've missed your posts (and photos!). I love this black and white - glad you had such a fun time!

Jill said...

beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. i can't wait to see the rest.