Jun 29, 2009


From our hotel at Arenal. A real volcano.

The Jurassic Park theme song was hummed, sung, & / or whistled almost nonstop for the first few days.


Jan said...

I'm just keeping your blog up all day - waaiting for pictures.
Arenal was amazing...I remember hearing it rumble now and then which was a bit disconcerting, but no one seemed to care much...guess it happens every day.

Lindsey said...

amazing. i love the pic. so exotic.

more! more! i just want to see them all. :)

Missy said...

I want to see them all too! Very, very cool photo.

Erin said...

Cool picture! I love it.

P.s. that wasn't a table cloth. Just a dishcloth. I got it at crate and barrel about a week ago... So maybe it will work with no table. :)

I can't believe the bowens are moving. I just wish they were coming to Seattle! :)

Unknown said...

I'm with your mom. I remember sitting in some hot pots and hearing the small rumble.. Volcanoes are a bit intimidating.. but especially fascinating.

Can't wait for more either.

emily said...

What a wonderful photo journal. You took me back with pictures...I could almost feel the sweat dripping. :) Beautifully done. My husband got his HEAD stuck in a van similar to the one on your whiting family blog - long story...someday when we actually meet I'll tell you. :)