Jun 29, 2009


Friends Sarah Jane & Nathan were some of the first people to talk to us in our Union Square ward when we moved to New York over four years ago. We were so happy when they converted to the Upper East Side last year, but maybe not quite as happy when they told us they were converting to California this summer. It's always so sad to see friends leave New York, but I'm left with a feeling of gratitude for this family who we love so much & whose friendship we have been so blessed by. They're those good people that you hear about in Relief Society lessons & conference talks, evidenced by the fact that they didn't murder me when I proved that I'm the worst babysitter on the planet.

We threw a little party for them at Central Park yesterday afternoon, joined by a zillion people who will miss them as much as we will. Sarah Jane & Nathan are clearly loved, evidenced by all of the friends, babies, good food & strollers that were scattered next to the Great Lawn.

I'm not a big tear-shedder, but I cried when I said see you later to Sarah Jane today.

Sarah Jane & Nathan.

An appropriate amount of food.

Complete with a Mormon-gathering appropriate concoction of green (it was yummy).

Cupcakes. Made from a box. Amazing.





Anonymous baby girl (Mae?).

Mike's picking up the camera more & more these days (which makes me happy). His contribution. My favorite gold shoes + semi-polygamous dress.

Fox + his 2nd-cousin-once-removed. They're good pals.


Heidi said...

Oh they are moving?! I will have to ask my mom for details. That park picnic looks very ideal, I must say.

Unknown said...

Oohh.. I want to see more of that dress. Where did you get it? So pretty.

k. said...

They are, Heidi. Sad. To California. Nathan got a job at at a college there (he's a professor). Happy news, but sad news.

Kelli, it's from Anthropologie. Thanks. :)

Jill said...

bowens - you will be missed!

erin said...

thanks for documenting my sons toddler years. truly, thank you. pretty sure your camera could beat up my camera.

bye bowens. california is getting some great people.