Jun 17, 2009


Friend Jenn & I spent several hours making French Macaroons this afternoon at her apartment. Chocolate (with chocolate ganache) & raspberry (with raspberry jam). I now understand why Ladurée & friends always charge so much for these little wonders. They aren't so complicated, but they aren't easy. I was quite impressed with our results, albeit their imperfections. It's tricky to get them off of the parchment paper without crumbling. It was unfortunate that we had to eat several that just didn't quite make it in one piece. Darn. 

A good afternoon with good conversation, a good friend & good (+ pretty) food. 


Jennifer said...

Oh, those look delicious. There is a fancy chocolate/bakery across from Ryan's office and they have the BEST macaroons. I might ask him to bring me one or two a few times a week. Maybe.

I'm thoroughly impressed that you made your own.

Lindsey said...

i've made macaroons twices and both times i've been surprised by how long and how much work it takes. they are yummy. my favourite store-bought ones are of course, from laduree.

Lula. said...

very impressive. they look extremely tasty. way to go!