Jun 1, 2009


I really think that smoking in public should be illegal. I just do. That might be extreme, but I don't have the option of breathing or not breaking in other people's disgusting second hand smoke, & don't appreciate the harmful effects on my health, not to mention the stench in my hair from just walking down the street. Gross. 


Reason #75 why smokers should stay in the comfort of their own, preferably air-tight homes - read this article in the Times that was published a few days ago about the litterbugs who, in my humble opinion, should be fined thousands of dollars (+ tarred & feathered) for polluting my city. I shoot my fiercest glare every time I see someone thoughtlessly toss their burning cancer stick onto the ground.

(Dejavu? Sort of.)


Heidi said...

Completely agree.

The Jackson Three said...

I also agree, and will support whatever public outcry you want to start.

I almost flipped the other day when a man dropped a lit cigarette and it landed about 2 inches away from my stroller - it wasn't pretty.

Julia said...

I completely agree. In Japan they have smoking zones-- in other words, they herd smokers, like cattle, into pens where they can all bask in their carcinogens together, and leave the rest of us in peace. Besides the harm they do the lungs, one of the things that scares me about cigarettes is that when people are holding them at their sides (not puffing) they hold them right at eye level of a little kid. I have heard of kids getting their faces burned walking behind someone with a lit cigarette. Awful.

The smokers were my least favorite thing about Paris. Even though they can't smoke in the restaurants, they all sit outside and smoke, and it wafts in through the open windows. My lungs would always burn by the end of a meal.

Kellie said...

We just got back from Singapore (which reminded us of NYC A LOT (and made us miss the city)), it is illegal to smoke most places there and people have to throw their cigarette butts away. NYC could learn a thing or two from the Singaporeans. (their subway was much cleaner as well...).

erin said...

did you hear me yesterday?? i started loudly complaining while we were walking past smokers... "i HHHAAATE CIGARETTES..." especially when i have a hacking cough. i will die young because of you, mr. smoker. thank you.

Tim and Jill said...

I can't stand people who flick their cigarettes out of their car window. I drives me crazy. Don't most cars come with built-in ashtrays??

I just had to get that one off my chest. I do love your blog-you make NYC look like a completely magical place.