Jun 2, 2009

Just a few random photos from my Monday.

I found pretty flowers on 51st Street on my way to Rockefeller Center, where it really felt like summer (the ice rink is now the outdoor cafe). Will played in the water & obviously wished it was a swimming pool & not a fountain. The four of us who were there together managed to not entirely lose each other on our group shopping trip, but almost did. Anthropologie is HUGE. We ate lunch at Qdoba, & then walked home (it felt nice - & was only just over a mile). I went to Bed, Bath & Beyond for the 27th time this week & waited for the bus for an eternity on my way home, snapping random photos to occupy my time. I liked the sushi sign (& I love sushi). The bus never came, so I took a cab, & then got stuck in traffic on my way home. I should have just walked. I hate traffic, especially when you have a meter running. Traffic in & of itself is bad enough. Paying for it is infinitely worse.


Erica said...

I love that first photo. You are really so talented!

Missy said...

Oh man...nothing sounds worse than metered traffic Kathryn!

Beautiful photos. Per usual:)