Jun 8, 2009

Living Room.

• plan •  

• prep •  

• nail •  

(A few photos to be inserted / swapped, obviously.)


Heidi said...

Looks great! I wish I could click on the photos to make them bigger and see the photos within the photo!

Erin said...

That so cute! I did something like that on carsons wall in his nursery but it is only frames.

I love how the one has the picture of the statue of liberty sideways. Carsons STILL (after 10 months) has a sideways picture of me and my friend. To Do list this week: find pictures for the frames!!! I'm sure you will have it done much quicker than me!

Tara Edwards said...

Oooo! I love it!

Suzi said...

It really looks so great. Nicely done!

Bri said...

Oh my. I LOVE that. So pretty/smart/cool.

Lindsey said...

Great job, kathryn! it looks perfect.

Jill said...

it turned out great! i love the craft paper templates as a map, works so well. i really don't think its too busy at all, i'm glad you did the whole she-bang and not just 5.

p.s. move the kathryn + mike stictched fram down .5" so it lines up. lol. ;) it looks perfect.

Melissa said...

LOVE it!!

Emily said...

So cute! The molding on your frames everything so nicely too!

Emily said...

Ahem, excuse my silly typo...that comment should read, "the molding on your WALL frames everything so nicely!"

Missy said...

LOVE it.

Louise said...

This is beautiful! Nicely done!

Unknown said...

I think I'll call this inspiration. I'm looking for a new look for my walls.
What is it about your photos and words that make me keep scrolling everytime I come here?
I do love it.

erin said...

yeah. love it. good work.