Jun 9, 2009

Melany + Baby Girl.

Like every spring in Manhattan, it's raining babies. Friend Melany's shower was lots of fun last Saturday. Good friends, good gifts, good laughs, & yummy + appropriately small lap food. I even won the baby trivia game, since I'm such an expert & everything.

Next time, I might just have to succumb to my hatred of flash when I'm without a tripod. Don't mind my extra-warm photos. They're warm with lots of love (??).

(Friend SJB + me. I'm starting a campaign for them to abandon their plans to move to sunny SoCal.)

Melany's Is she or isn't she? belly at 8 (!!) months. She's darling + glowing.

My Is she or isn't she? belly (she isn't).

Friend Suzi + me.

A lovely job by those who planned this soirée (Sarah Jane, Angela, Nicole & Suzi I believe). Nicely done, ladies.


Jill said...

oh my. i love all of the details they put into her shower! i am so sad i had to miss it but so glad you documented it. those round yellow balloons are so fun.

and seriously melany. i don't understand the 'belly picture'. no comprende. where is that baby hiding?

The Jackson Three said...

Thanks for being the official photog, although we asked as you walked in the door. Pics turned out great. I would love to see more if you have them.

Heidi said...

I love that you won the baby trivia contest. That is classic.

Morgan said...

Thanks so much for your sweet comments, Kathryn.

This shower looks so cute! I'm loving all of the yellow. You captured it beautifully.

Caitlin said...

So fun to see so many familiar faces. Nicole and Suzi and shower throwers extraordinaire! Looks like it was a fun day.

Suzi said...

The pictures look wonderful. I have to give SJ a shout-out b/c she was on the planning committee as well. And are you kidding me with Mel's belly pic?!! What the what?! Thank you thank you for taking these photos-such a nice friend. And like Nicole, would love more if you have them. Thanks again!

Missy said...

I don't see a belly on that photo of your friend. Is she really 8 months?! And yeah right you have one either Kathryn! but, it was a great photo of you and I'm dying to have your dress now (where is it from??)

Did I ever answer your question about lighting? I don't think so. I don't use any external lighting - just windows around the room, but usually in the afternoon it is best in my house.

Missy said...

Ok now that I'm looking at your photos more, Melaney looks SO familiar. Did she go to BYU? I can't figure out how/where i would know her...

Missy said...

Sorry for the overload of comments on this post. Now I'm curious where your friend is moving in So Cal (?)

PJ and Julie said...

Melany is from my home town. She was good friend with my older sister. Small world. I could kill her for looking that good at 8 months.

Love your hair.

Jill said...

Melany gave us a link to your blog so that we could see her New York shower. Thanks for taking such good care of her for us. She is fortunate to have such good friends! Thanks!!!

Miller said...

We just wanted to thank you so very much for giving Melany this baby shower! We loved being able to see these pictures you've posted of the shower. Thanks for being such wonderful friends!

Melany's Mom and Dad