Jun 16, 2009

Mud Cake.

Apologies for the truly horrendous BlackBerry photo. It's really embarrassing, but it just had to be documented. I really hate it when I don't bring my camera everywhere I go. You just never know when you're going to run into this much frosting, mousse & chocolate ALL IN ONE PLACE. 

Friend Jill & I made a cake today. NieNie's cake, specifically. The funny thing is, it was designed to help Stephanie put on some pounds. I don't think Jill nor I are looking to go that route if at all possible, but we're both big fans of treats, & this cake is strikingly similar to the Brooklyn Blackout cupcake from Two Little Red Hens which means that it's amazing. Oh - & when I say that Jill & I made a cake, what I really mean of course is that Jill did all of the work while I played with Wyatt & sampled each step of the process. I think I provided great baking support. 

It turns out that this cake is pretty intense (surprise!), even though we halved the amount of frosting. As a matter of fact, it required two cups of milk. I probably won't be eating for the next 24 hours, & I definitely didn't eat dinner. 

I think I'd like to make every single recipe from Conversation with a Cupcake. Absolutely ridiculous & just amazing. 

(PS - our frosting is extra shiny & maybe not as pretty as it should have been because we didn't have the patience to let it [i.e. the frosting] fully cool before we piled it on. Yum!)


Angie said...

oh my gosh. stop it right now. i saw that cake on nie nie's blog last week and i was dying. that looks amazing. i've got to find some kind of event I can make it for.

k. said...

How about a Tuesday? Or maybe even a "Friday"? That's what Jill & I did. A "Tuesday" event. Just because. :)

Jill said...

i'm kind of getting sick looking at that picture. please come and take it out of my fridge. this cake may be a little rich for my blood, but im glad we tried it.

but..i will be making the mascarpone mousse again (minus the bittersweet chocolate) and will be dipping fruit in it. it was soooo good.

Tara Edwards said...

This pictures makes me go to the fridge and get a glass of milk! I wonder if you could adjust the chocolate to milk chocolate so it wouldn't be so rich?

erin said...

wow. you weren't kidding. i might catch diabetes just by looking at the picture. i still kind of want a sliver though.