Jun 15, 2009

On Monday.

  • Spent a few hours polishing three different versions of my resume. Three. I'm tired of looking at my resume.
  • Was craving a cheese + bread sandwich, so that's what I had for lunch (sharp cheddar, should you care to know). Bread + cheese = yum.
  • Met friend Jill (+ Wyatt) for ice cream/sorbet/gelato at Eli's on 2nd Avenue, & saw two other friends while we sat & chatted. It was nice.
  • Was introduced to Conversation With a Cupcake & now have aspirations of making EVERY. SINGLE. THING. Thanks, NieNie (+ Tara).
  • Finally returned a small shelf to The Container Store that has been sitting in my living room for 2 weeks (it doesn't fit). I think they know my name now.
  • Browsed through Williams Sonoma & Pottery Barn on 59th Street, trying to find something to buy with a gift card I have. Indecisiveness got the best of me, & I walked out empty handed.
  • Did not walk out empty-handed from Crate & Barrel on Madison. I love Crate & Barrel. Walked out with this ruffled pedestal, a jelli board in bright orange that is fun, & some lidded bowls that make me want to picnic at the park very, very soon.
  • Visited Anastasia's for some eyebrow pampering.
  • Got caught in a rainstorm without the umbrella that I've had in my purse every day for the past 2 weeks. EXCEPT TODAY.
  • Almost slipped & fell down the subway stairs (as a result of said rainstorm). Barely caught myself, but ankle hurts.
  • Bought some skinny jeans for $10. Pants that cheap (on sale) make me happy.
  • Wished sister Tara a happy, happy birthday. I love my sister.


Jill said...

i like your purchases from crate and barrel! and you fell down the stairs?! was there a lady that just stood and stared at you after it happened? if not, i will be shocked.

ps. that little boy is kind of cute.

Heidi said...

I am jealous of all three of your C & B purchases!

Do you like havarti? That is my favorite bread and cheese combination.

Jill said...
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Tara Edwards said...

I love you too! And I knew you would like the website, and imagine that delicious chocolate cake sitting on your beautiful new pedestal!

Missy said...

Please put that cake on your new ruffly pedestal! That would be beautiful.

Where in the world did you find jeans that you like for $10??

k. said...

Missy, GAP. Vintage slims, in brown. Love them.