Jun 17, 2009

Did you see this?

The Church & Gay Marriage: Are Mormons Misunderstood? 

"Our Message for the World," says M. Russell Ballard Jr., one of the 14 apostles just under Monson, "is that we are His children, we lived with Him before we came here ... we're striving to keep His commandments so that when we die we can be entitled to receive all the blessings that the Heavenly Father has for His children." Ballard adds emphatically, "People like to make it complex. But it's really pretty simple."

Read the very fair (finally.) Time Magazine article here


Fufoo said...

Thanks for posting the link to the TIME article. I'm from the Bay Area and I guess the author interviewed people I know but the feeling was no one was sure if it would get printed or stay in the positive light he wanted it in. I'm glad someone is giving us a fair shot or at least presenting us as more than anti-gay marriage. And I'm glad he pointed out that not all members felt that way. While it created some awkwardness in a lot of wards, and sometimes anger, I'm glad that members expressed their feelings as individuals. It shows we really do think for ourselves and we don't just follow blindly. Here's to hoping people read it and see we're not so bad.

jocelyn said...

just read it. thanks for posting the link. i also thought it was very well written and fair.

k. said...

F, loved your comment. So true. We don't just all go, BBAAA (how do you spell sheep noises??), & that's great.

(But you don't have a profile... & I'm curious...)