Jun 14, 2009

Weekend Highlight: East Village Afghan.

I'm trying to be better at looking UP. I love NYC buildings.

We went out to dinner last night with our friends the Belnaps. They chose the restaurant - Khyber Pass, an Afghan restaurant in the East Village. Photo #2 was Mike (not posed, of course) staring at the people inside smoking from a Hookah pipe & wondering if that was to be our fate. I was wondering if it was even legal (it is, of course - it's just tobacco, in a water pipe).

We ate cross-legged on pillows. Sharing everything family style was a good decision, & we loved every single thing that we ordered - Salad Shirazee, Barg, Kabuli Palow & Fesenjan. The flavors in Afghan food are surprisingly diverse & sweet - rose water, pomegranate, taragon, mint, orange blossom, pumpkin, etc. I'd like to go back & try some other things. 

(Afterwards, we went to Butter Lane. And Australian Homemade. The Belnaps hadn't been to either, & wanted to try both! Our kind of friends.)


Kassie said...

Hi Kathryn, I am loving your blog, so many great suggestions. Thank you!!

Jill said...

at church on Sunday a lady in RS said "Living in NYC you can choose to look down and see the dirt and grime, and hear all the noise... or you can choose to look UP. And see the beauty of the buildings, the sky, the people." I loved that and its been running through my head ever since. I'm trying to be better about looking UP too.

Chelsea and Cody said...

Michael Whiting...through a series of random events I happened to stumble upon your blog. My wife stalks Kelsey's (the Food Network Star) blog and when she checked it tonight she had mentioned dinner with the Whiting's. Small world. Now we can stalk yours. Later.

Cody Winterholler, long lost King Henry Roommate

Mike said...

King Hank for life...