Jul 8, 2009

Conservatory Gardens.

The Conservatory Gardens at Central Park are beautiful. Erin & I swung by on our walk home from Harlem & they're just pretty. You just don't see many massive manicured gardens in New York City. It's obviously necessary to go in the spring when everything is really in bloom, but it was still pretty on a grey & thunderstormy (still?! it's still raining?!) kind of day.

Did you know that reading the engraved plates on city park benches is one of my very favorite things to do? It is. My heart kind of melted when I saw this one.

PS - I didn't edit any of these. The flowers were really almost that bright. Sometimes my camera decides that it wants really blown out colors. Especially with a really wide aperture. Still learning, still learning...


Jill said...

beautiful. i love that garden. and the thought on the bench - so sweet - it should be a cross-stitch. :)

noelle said...

gorgeous, gorgeous! love that little engraved plate, too. *melt* :)

Mary Grace said...

i love how you capture nature's beauty. Bravo!

Missy said...

I pretty much love that engraving. Can I make it into a big post for my house??