Jul 8, 2009

In the promise of another tomorrow, I'll never let you part, for you're always in my heart.

Friend Erin & I ventured up to Harlem yesterday afternoon to pay tribute to the King of Pop via a massive big screen with a live feed of the memorial service. I must say, I think that this probably goes down in the books as one of my very favorite New York City experiences. The crowd was quiet, almost reverent. I maybe almost shed a tear. Almost.

The amount of MJ paraphernalia was actually quite impressive. Proving that he is just that cool, Fox picked up a jazzy little hot pink number. We even snagged a small little onesie for our small friend Wyatt. I didn't get anything myself, but it was sure fun to look around at the buttons, tshirts, water bottles, umbrellas, commemorative buttons, posters, original art & key chains that were for sale.

Afterwards, we walked down to 116th Street to the oft-heard-of Make My Cake. We really didn't love it very much (although the frosting was tasty), but they did have Grape Crush Soda. That took me back.

I should also mention that it was wonderful to walk around & see all of the artwork dedicated to our beloved President Obama. We resisted the urge to stop into Obama Fried Chicken for lunch.

Oh - it turns out that Erin & I are famous, too. Friend Suzi spotted us on the evening news. We are basically rockstars, now.


caitlin and brinton said...

Very cool pictures Kathryn!

Jill said...

so awesome. i wish i could have come! and good to know you didn't like the cupcakes. i'll cross them off my list.

Angie said...

Kudos to you for knowing what's going on around the city. I live right here in Harlem, how did I not realize that this would be going on and head over there? I'm silly. Anyway, I had to tell you I second your opinion on Make My Cake. I wasn't impressed either. I walked past yesterday coming back from the store and thought about how I'd be totally fine if I never went in there again.

Missy said...

These are the best pictures. I felt like I was there with you. Was the memorial itself well done? As in, what did they do to memorialize him? Did any of his family talk?

erin said...

a dance party would have been icing on the cake.