Jul 30, 2009

High Line Park + a day apparently dedicated to sweating profusely.

I spent the day with little people + their mothers. It was wonderful, even though I was wearing 27 layers in 500 degree / 99% humidity weather. Awesome.

Emma, Nicole & I went down to the Meatpacking District to walk through the new High Line Park. It's not quite finished, but it was still fun to wander around. It's definitely an urban park. From the website:

The High Line was originally constructed in the 1930s, to lift dangerous freight trains off Manhattan's streets... When all sections are complete, the High Line will be a mile-&-a-half-long elevated park, running through the West Side neighborhoods of the Meatpacking District, West Chelsea, & Clinton / Hell's Kitchen. It features an integrated landscape... with meandering concrete pathways with naturalistic plantings. Fixed & movable seating, lighting, & special features are also included in the park.

The park definitely had a modern feel to it. It was a fun change of pace & very interesting, especially seeing how they integrated the original train tracks into the landscaping & overall design. There's also a few little quirks, like the stadium-seating-style section where you can sit & watch the traffic speed by in front of you. My photo just didn't do it justice. Look at all of theirs instead. I guess I had an off day today.

Also from today:
  • I did laundry & ran 3.5 miles. All by 9am (this is a record this week).
  • Ate some nachos with Suzi.
  • I couldn't find my rubberband in my purse all day long & ran around the city cursing my blanket of hair & my bangs that felt like a sweater. I needed a pony tail today.
  • I walked by the club (I forget which one) on 5th Avenue in the high 50's & caught the smell of their racquetball courts. I always think of my dad when I pass this building, remembering the smell of his racquetball tournaments when I was a little girl.
  • I wanted to dive head first into the fountain on Park & 52nd with all of my clothes on. It was that humid.
  • Bought another David Sedaris book.
  • I saw adult twin girls that were very dressed up who were probably actually twin boys.
  • I had a head-on collision with a bug on Park Avenue. I saw it zooming around in front of me, & then it made a nose-dive straight for my eyeball. It died, & my eye hurt.
  • Five minutes later, a zooming bird almost did the same thing. I had to duck.
  • I said a little prayer in my heart in gratitude for the periodic gusts of subway wind in the sweltering tunnels. Did I mention it was humid today?


Angie said...

Ha, I was sort of in that area this afternoon and I was thisclose to going up there to explore. We probably would've run into each other. I'm glad to hear your good recommendation. I'm excited to go check it out!

erin said...

fox recognized his friends and even muttered a "neh neh" when he saw evelyn. sweet.

The Jackson Three said...

you are the fastest blogger that I know...I swear we were just there sweating. Thanks for letting us tag along and for taking so many pics - sent me more if there are cute ones.

laurel said...

That's what our playgroup did today and I thought Emma might have joined us - did we miss you guys? I feel bad if we did...

k. said...

No, not that I'd heard of Laurel (but I'm not on any mommy email list or anything & Emma didn't mention it). Would have been fun to run into you though. :)

Lindsey said...

I think my favorite thing is that you saw adult twin girls who probably actually boys. hilarious.