Jul 7, 2009

A Lesson in How to Have a Bad Day in Just 5 Easy Steps, or, Perks of a 15 Square-Foot Kitchen.

Step 1: Battle with Delta & Orbitz on the phone for over an hour. Lose.
Step 2: Decide to step it up in the good wifery department & actually make a decent dinner on a weeknight.
Step 3: Spend over an hour going to 4 different neighborhood grocery stores looking for key ingredient.
Step 4: Preheat oven to a nice & toasty 400˚.
Step 5: Wait for smell of melting plastic*.

See, what I failed to mention in my fail-proof steps is that my kitchen is tiny. Have I mentioned that before? It's tiny. Or, I suppose I should say that it's quaint. It's cozy. It's very New York (i.e. small & expensive). Half of my kitchen stuff is on an extended vacation in New Canaan because there just wasn't room in our little love nest. Me, being the clever person that I am, have tried to make the best of my situation. A piece of furniture is on order so that I can finally unpack my box of spices that is still sitting on the kitchen floor. In the meantime, I have been taking advantage of my oven for some extra storage for baking dishes & cookie sheets.

Including my cake pan. My cake pan with the really thick, plastic lid.

A special thanks goes out to Mike who spent 2 hours scraping plastic out of our oven, to Two Boots for (eventually) delivering some yummy pizza, & for The Bachelorette for providing us with quality entertainment while we waited for almost 2 hours for said pizza to arrive.

Moving on now.

*Yes, I took a photo through my tears. I cried. I was frustrated, about numerous things. And yet I still grabbed my camera. Sad? Mike mentioned (safely later) that I should have taken a photo of the Do Not Put in Oven instructions that were stamped on the top of the plastic lid.
**It should be noted that good things happened on my Monday. Friend Lindsey in London sent me a text message. I don't know why it made me so happy except that a) I love Lindsey, & b) she's in London, so regular texts are unexpected. Secondly - lunch with friend Suzi, which needs to be documented because I ate enough that dinner probably really just wasn't necessary last night anyway. I could have saved myself a lot of grief.


Lizzie said...

Oh Kathryn! I actually did the same thing in our NY apartment, only I melted a toaster oven inside our oven. Not good.

erin said...

how's it smelling? let's go eat some feelings today, yeah?

Lindsey said...

I am glad my text helped brighten a frustrating day! thanks again for the brownie recipe. so yummy.

boo for small kitchens.

Suzi said...

Mmmm...the nachos...I need some more.

Diana said...

Hi Kathryn...just wanted to let you know that I linked to your blog today after writing about a new cupcake shop here in Boston. Hope you don't mind!

Caitlin said...

Le tme just say I have done this multiple times and never learned my lesson. I'm so sorry my dear. Cheer up, this means you can go buy pretty new pans!