Jul 31, 2009

See you soon.

We're off to Priest Lake for the next 9 days.

This is one of my favorite photos hanging up in the cabin. I mean, seriously. Look at Elizabeth's hair. It's amazing. My side-flower is pretty cool, too.

This may-or-may-not have been at Priest Lake, but either way, I bet that we were singing My Boyfriend's Back & You're Gonna Get in Trouble right before this was taken.


Kera said...

see you in 7 days up there! can't wait. give everyone a hug from us.

patrick said...

that one looks like the ocean. puget sound?

Missy said...

Oh I love this photo (and the frame). These are the types of photos I want hanging in my house forever...

Lindsey said...

that is a great photo!

Jennifer said...

Your sister's hair is a special kind of awesome. Wow. Love family photos from the past--they are a sure why to make you smile.

Have fun! You'll be missed!

suz said...

Holy Cow! I thought that was a wig! That is some seriously amazing hair for sure and your flower I love too!

Have a wonderful time!

Melissa said...

ha ha! I remember well the days singing "My Boyfriend's Back and You're Gonna Get in Trouble" with you and Elizabeth on the front of the boat! Great picture!

Anonymous said...

I am a regular reader I thought you would want to know that when I just tried to view your blog I had to click a button saying that I knew the blog I was viewing was only suitable for adults. Obviously this is not true and it has never happened before so I thought you would want to know...

Jeanne said...

That picture is a classic! I'm sure you're having a great time. Jeanne

k. said...

Anon., that's so strange. I haven't had that happen to me... Odd. Thanks for letting me know.

Elizabeth said...

Why does everyone else look normal.. booooo! can I just say its some foreign exchange student or something?

Unknown said...

you look way too chic for, what, 7? (and exactly the same still.) fun picture.

maybe the "priest" + "boyfriend" and "trouble" from this post is flagging "adult content"? ha!