Jul 17, 2009

Huckleberry stained, mosquito bitten, sun kissed, well-rested & well-fed.

Miss you, Mike. It's not quite the same without you here.
(Finished Sedaris. Loved it.)


Melissa said...

hmmm...huckleberries! Love them! Beautiful pictures Kathryn. Glad you are having a great time!

Jill said...

beautiful, beautiful. that dock looks like my dream spot. love the pictures and the cabin looks so pretty!

p.s. i've never had a huckleberry. i need to track some down.

Kera said...

i know i'm not mike, but hopefully i can add some entertainment:) see you in 4 days. can't wait. minus the flight.

Missy said...

Um, that lost photo?! Unbelievable.

Is it you private dock? That looks like something out of Dawson's Creek (did you ever watch that show about 10 years ago? :)

Louise said...

Your pictures are gorgeous - I love the one of you and I love the one inside the house. I can see why you love being there! Ah, sounds like heaven.

erin said...

take a deep, deep breath of fresh air for me and vibe it in my direction. sedaris. did you pee your pants a little?

Tara Edwards said...

So pretty and relaxing! I've never quite experienced it that way! And when we pick huckelberries, we never make it home with so many! And it's our faces not our hands that are purple :)

Lindsey said...

i think heaven, maybe? it's so so beautiful. I want to come!

k. said...

Missy, we share the dock with our neighbors, but yes - our dock (1 dock per 2 lots in our bay).

Erin. Yes. And maybe cried.

I want to go with all of my friends to the lake. Let's do it someday, yes? Please?

Lula. said...

looks just like heaven. or at least close.

huckleberries look so yummy. i have never had them.