Jul 15, 2009

Things I do when my wife is traveling – DAY 1:

  • Watch movies on TV that she would never want to watch. Anything with guns, violence, action, suspense, or conflict of any kind. Tonight’s selection was “Boyz In The Hood” on BET. Laurence Fishburne, Ice Cube and Cuba Gooding Jr in their prime.
  • Go to the gym way too late at night. Tonight on my way across 2nd Ave en route to NYSC I saw a man in a truck rolling slowly in the middle lane. All of a sudden he swerved towards me. For a split second I envisioned him yelling “Break yo’ self foo’!” and unleashing a spray of bullets in a Crenshaw Boulevard-esque drive-by. My movie-induced delusions of tragic white-on-white violence were abruptly shattered by his flamboyant voice yelling “Hey, wanna see Times Square at night??” I thought to myself ‘Hmmm, my first homosexual cat call… and I'm not even in Chelsea! Looks like all this gym work is paying dividends.’ But alas, I soon realized that he was actually talking to the woman standing next to me at the cross-walk.
  • Generally stay up late and waste time. Man is not meant to be alone. Or at least I’m not. Kathryn keeps me in check. (Love you k dub).

    More to follow…


k. said...

When I'm back we'll have to watch a really happy movie where everyone gets along and there's a really happy ending. Can't wait. Love you! PS - go to bed!!

Elizabeth said...

Okay so the movies I can agree with. Although it should be fair that if you watch one of her movies, she has to join you in one of yours. Can you Watch BET being as white as you are.. oh maybe you tanner after Cosat Rica.. KIDDING! I understand missing Kathryn Maybe you can get a stuffed animal or big pillow and name it like Christopher did his..Good luck!

Suzanne said...

I love that you were just a little bit flattered by the drive-by pick up line. They gym is paying off!!

Tara Edwards said...

I think Kevin secretly likes it when I go out of town so that he can do the same sorts of things! I wouldn't generaly know what that's like, although last weekend when I got two days at home alone I did sort of the same thing, but I watched sappy love stories and surfed the web! I'm glad the crazy man didn't hit you! Or hit on you! That would just be confusing!

Jan said...

Thanks for being such a good sport and letting us have Kathryn this week. We're sitting on the deck at the Fire Station...listening to birds, and watching the glassy water. There's nary a cloud in the sky. The lake is blissfully quiet. I want you to know that I love your blog entries - they don't come nearly often enough. Your great sense of dry humor and your delightful writing style are just fantastic. More please!!