Jul 19, 2009

Things I do when my wife is traveling - DAYS 4, 5, & 6:

  • Drink coconut water. Slick deal available on Amazon right now. I've ordered four cases to date during this sale. I might need to restock before month's end. One can never have enough third world fruit beverages.

  • Sausage Fest #1. B White and D White in from the CT. Mullet-licious Argentine food at Libertador, four hours of Mario Kart Wii, old man hoops on Saturday morning, scalped Yankees tickets on Saturday afternoon. Good times kicking it with them during their tag team mission break (Dave gets home, only to have Bryan leave later in the summer).

  • Sausage Fest #2. Man date with Tim Cannon in Chinatown. He may have the edge in basketball, but I taught him a new kind of humility in Street Fighter II. Dinner at Joe's Shanghai next to a couple from the Netherlands (the restaurant is so packed that the waiters seat you at the same table as strangers).

  • Pity feeding by kind ward members. The Burtons cooked up a storm this afternoon (thanks again!) during my second man date with Tim in 24 hours. (Crap, so much for playing it cool and not calling for a few days). Tim and I are victims of Mormon women's payback for those long missionary stints during the Restoration. Back in the day men would be called away from their families for years on end, and as a reckoning modern-day NYC Mormon women flee the city / their husbands for the summer and head for Utah / Arizona / Idaho / some other locale where Olive Garden is considered Italian food. The remaining males band together and are often the subject of charitable Sunday meals on the part of the remaining females.


k. said...

You're funny! I miss you.

Lisa Olsen said...


I found your blog through my kids, Brianne and Jennifer Olsen (through Missy Heid). Anyway, love your blog and read that you are teaching seminary in the fall!!! How wonderful. I taught here in CA for 9 years. You will love it. I still keep in touch with all my students. I never went to seminary (convert) so I was SO scared. But I just loved the kids - all of them - even the ones that others had trouble with before - and we had wonderful experiences. so will you! It was what helped me get on the EFY Faculty (going on 5 years). Let me know if I can help you in any way. Have fun!!!

PS: Lake cabin is so nice.

Lisa Olsen
Redding, CA

Missy said...

oh Mike, I want Kathryn to come back to NYC just so you don't have to have any more sausage fests.

(but I also know how it is to miss a spouse!)

chelsea mckell said...

Absolutely hilarious to read. Thank you for the free entertainment.