Jul 6, 2009

The truth.

... is that on Sunday morning, our alarm didn't quite go off (ahem, it wasn't set) so we woke up at 8:30am for our 9am church. Mike got dressed first, choosing a patriotic ensemble of a blue shirt & red tie. I chose to be ultra-cheesy & picked out my own patriotic outfit so that we matched (Happy, er, 5th of July!). We chose to do a mini photo shoot just for fun, even though I hadn't showered, & even though we had to hop in a cab to get to church (that is all of 11 blocks away) because we really were that late. It was fun.

... is that whenever something with sleeves comes out at Anthropologie (e.g. my dress), every Mormon girl buys it (e.g. me). Mike's observation, not mine, after another girl in the elevator at church told me that she has it, too.

... is that my onesie experiment that was more of a dare? It actually really paid off & I'm a fan. Email me & I'll tell you all about it, but no one loves a VPL (visible panty line), especially at the waist. Catch my drift, Mormon lady friends?

... is that I bore my testimony in front of a few hundred of my closest friends on Sunday & cried + spewed snot like a baby. Lovely. I'm pretty sure I used to make fun of my mom for always crying. I'm pretty sure I'm turning into my mother.

... is that I got a new calling that kind of makes me want to throw up on a daily basis. The church is true, the church is true, the church is true.

... is that I had a little personal training session this morning & the trainer was kind enough to tell me that my inner & outer thigh muscles are squishy & fat. Actually, she said that my muscles are too weak for someone of my age, height & weight, but still. Same thing. It turns out that these muscles are my very least favorite muscles to work out. Ouch.

... is that I love my husband. He's handsome, we had a fun weekend, & I love us.


erin said...

yesterday was the first time in a long time i got misty in sacrament meeting, in spite of fox's best efforts to annihilate the spirit.

Kera said...

what is your calling?

Kera said...

oh, and i wish i had your legs.

Melissa said...

You are lookin good for not taking a shower and getting ready so fast! Love your dress...cute! Good luck with your new calling. :)

Jill said...

you two looked adorable. i love the coordinating outfits.

Louise said...

I love that top picture of you - you look beautiful, even without a shower! I adore spots so your dress has my vote, too! And what is your new calling? There is a blog I love called Segullah (writings by LDS women), and there was a post there recently about the best callings at church that you could receive. Whilst the post was amusing, it was the comments following it that had me laughing so hard I was crying! (some of them went off into the worst callings you could receive and there were quite a few I could relate to!)

Lindsey said...

how pretty/handsome are you two?! What is your new calling?

K said...

Ok, I do not know you but I come often from Caitlin's blog. I am interested to hear more about your onesie experience, please share.

the always has love handle VPL Kristin

k. said...

Hi Kristin. :)

Great with dresses. Even fine with shorts. No love handles. Don't order in petitie (I normally wear petitie). Maybe even order 1 size up (which I think I'll do on my re-order (I only ordered 1). There is a flap in the back. That's a bit strange. I'll pretend it just isn't there, and then everything will be okay. :)

Louise - LOVED that post (and I frequent that page often).

Heidi said...

A flap in the back? Oh boy. I do have the visible waist line though and dislike it.

Did you mention what your calling is yet?

And I am envious of your slender legs.

Missy said...

I'm waiting for your new calling too! What is it??

And along with your foodish blog, can you post your outfit everday?? I love your dress. Very attentive of Mike too.

Sorry for the comment overload (I usually read you on google reader as I'm putting Chloe down for a nap - on the iPhone so I'm catching up with comments;)