Jul 6, 2009

Sometimes I wish we could just set up a tent & camp out at Central Park.

Our fourth of July was nice, & proved that I'm not losing my Costa Rica tan any time soon (side note: this is the first summer in NYC that I've actually had a tan. While it doesn't speak highly of my work ethic, I'm sort of happy to not look like a ghost - & yes mother, I wear sunblock every day).

We went to a ward party at Central Park Saturday morning complete with donuts & juice. We were back a few hours later for a picnic with friends on the East side of the Great Lawn (which we now affectionately call our spot after 2+ years of picnicking there). I don't think we've had a more perfect day in New York this year. 80 degrees & breezy. Almost no humidity. Lacrosse was played. Baseballs were tossed. Stories were told. Little people were chased. It was fun. They say, by the way, that New York City had the coolest June on record since 1958. It has been lovely, although maybe a little less rain would have been nice. I wouldn't mind if July saw a similar trend.

Back to the 4th.

The food! Our friends really outdid themselves. It was the best picnic-food turnout we've had at a picnic event. Potato salad. Pasta salad. Fruit salad. Angel food cake with berries. Sugar cookies. Chicken kebabs. 7-layer dip. Swedish fish. Root beer. Rice crispy treats. Etc. Etc. I made Pasta with Sun-Dried Tomatoes. I love this pasta, & even though Mike picked out all of the olives, he loved it too. I also made the Fresh Fruit & Mint Salad again, although I switched up the fruits a bit (lots of blackberries this time - yum). It's definitely a summer favorite.

Sadly, I took about 20 photos, & none of actual adults. I promise I actually have adult friends, but adults get all weirded out when I start putting big lenses in their faces. Wyatt doesn't complain when I do such things, but kept trying to steal my camera. Fox took off with my Kate Spade's (& wears them well, I must say). These little boys are starting to get pretty speedy.

We skipped the fireworks. After about 6+ hours of cumulative time at the park, we were sort of spent, but in that really happy & satisfied kind of way. So we went home, cleaned up, watched the fireworks over the Hudson River on the TV, & watched a movie. I was just fine with that, & happy to not have to throw elbows while fighting the masses of humanity jammed up against the river.

PS - To my mother: Thanks again for the lovely quit. It has served me well these past 8 (!?) years.


erin said...

don't you think our pioneer ancestors would feel left out if we didn't celebrate the 24th properly, with more awesome food and recreational activities? i also see that parents' day (?) is the 4th sunday in july... i wouldn't want that holiday to feel bad either. what else?

Jill said...

i love looking at your pictures. if you didnt take them, i don't know how we would remember our time here. will someone please teach me how to turn on my camera???

Jan said...

What a fun day!