Jul 25, 2009

West to East.

This west to east coast thing is hard. There are three very precious hours of sleep that I really would have liked to have had last night.

I finished The Elegance of the Hedgehog on my flight home Friday night. I almost cried, except that I was sitting next to a man who didn't look very nice & it would have just been uncomfortable. So I held it in, but my heart cried. I hated the first 50 pages of the book, & then I fell face-first in love. I'm going to re-read those pages that I obviously mistook as being pretentious & forcefully unique.

I'm home now, just for a few days. I'm happy to be back in New York.

My doorman greeted my taxi last night & helped me with my bags. I think he was drunk (my doorman, not the taxi driver) - sweating profusely & slurring his words. I guess it was pretty humid, & almost midnight. But still. Suspicious.

I walked out of my apartment this morning & it smelled like hash browns & dog poop. It kind of made me happy, even though the cabin smelled like fresh rain the morning that I left.

After running around barefoot for a week, I got a much needed pedicure. My toes are now watermelon.

Friend Erin & I reunited this afternoon for some coconut Pinkberry (with mango on top). Then Mike, sister Cara & I had lunch at Hummus Kitchen on 2nd Avenue. Everything is vegetarian, fresh & amazing. The falafel, especially. And the couscous. Even better - nothing on the menu is over $10. I think. We'll be eating there often. Next time I'm getting their Greek mint lemonade.

The Whiting Family Tree (sans Dan, who is in Colorado) met up for a late-afternoon session at the temple. It's so quiet there. Afterwards, we walked up 10 blocks & had dinner at Patsy's. I slipped away to pick up a bag of cookies from Levain. Tomorrow, I will eat vegetables. Lots of vegetables.

We're in New Canaan tonight. I'm sitting on the big fluffy couch in the living room (that just demands you sleep on it come Sunday afternoon), & Mike is watching Rocky with his siblings. Have I mentioned I don't like movies with tension?

I kept 500 or so photos from my 10 days (!!) at the lake. I feel sort of like I did when I got back from Costa Rica. Like, How do I even do this? I could separate them all into categories & subcategories, I could put cute text on some of them (which I like to do, sometimes), I could arrange things in a chronological order... But that would take forever. So, in no particular order, with a few captions here & there, even though I kind of hate cheesy captions - are a few (a few.) of my favorites from last week.

Bird houses. Made by the little ones, the week prior. On the craft table.

Haidyn. Loves the beach. Is sort of scared of the dock. Hates the boat.

Wood pile. I chased a squirrel into it & waited for him to emerge so I could snap a picture, but the little guy just sat there & squeaked.

What huckleberry picking looks like (+ many, many bug bites). I'm no longer eating bananas at the lake. Apparently the potassium attracts our little six-legged, blood-sucking enemies.

What sheds look like.

An impromptu game of Chubby Bunny.
Dad won.

Avery was a close second. Lexi was pathetic. I told her we'll train for next time.

The likely-over-photographed bear. But he's my favorite.

Danner likes to swim.

Haidyn likes to swing.

Mom & Dad like to sit on Dad's beach. Actually, my dad rarely sits, which is why I had to snap this. Normally he's bringing down 80-pound bags of sand down to the beach (which is continually growing), spreading bark, changing light bulbs, or building something &/or fixing something.

Friend Janae's little girl. Miss Abigail.


Reese. Likes long walks on the beach. Or at least continuous circles in the living room. Don't even think about sitting down.

After a boat ride that didn't go so well. Go back!! Go back!! It made a not-cuddly girl very, very clingy all of a sudden. Loved it.

Huckleberry lemonade.

Pretty mom + me on the one day that I actually wore makeup & blow-dried my hair (for church on Sunday).

At stack of our vintage life jackets - some over 30 years old. They're finally being donated.

But not before we snapped this.

And this.

Kera. Me. Janae.

I'm obviously posing to make my legs look better. Gross.

The sky started to look like this (which means we battened down the hatches on the boat, cleaned up the beach & ran for the cabin).

Kera & Janae did this, amidst the lightning & rain.


Perfect weather every day - except Thursday. I love, love storms at the lake. I'm hoping for more next time.

Napping Dad + his loyal friend. Danner literally wouldn't leave his side. They're good friends.

Dad's lamp collection. They're pretty.


patrick said...

as i was scrolling down, i kept thinking that i hope the pictures don't stop. i'm glad you posted so many.

Erin said...

Pretty Pretty pictures kathryn. Your really getting good! What a fun time you guys had. Oh and I love your polka dot suit! ;)

Heidi said...

Your dad sounds a lot like my dad- anytime we are at the cabin or the lake or anywhere on vacation he has to be working on/fixing something.

Sounds like a wonderful time- I am glad you get to go back so soon.

Lindsey said...

I'm so happy you have that. I don't think I realized how important a family summer retreat is until I read/looked at your post/pictures. It's beautiful and really something every family (or at least mine!) needs.

Kelsey said...

You have been missed on the East Coast...your pictures are fantastic! Hopefully I'll see you before you head back! (back in town on Thursday) xoxo

Louise said...

Oh Kathryn, every single one of your pictures is a gem! I started out looking and thinking, this is the one I want to comment on; oh no wait, this one. And this one. And then I just decided to enjoy every.single.one. Beautiful. (I think the one of your parents is my favourite - so emotive). I'm happy you get to go back so soon!

ps. lucky you to be in New Canaan! I hear a Crumbs opened up there recently!

di said...

yay! so glad you fell in love with the book!! i really do love it! the photos are lovely k. welcome back! xoxo

Unknown said...

I feel like I was there with you. LOVE the pictures and LOVE PL even though I have never been. Glad you are back.

Meg said...

Such great photos!! I love them all and it looks like you had an AMAZING time!!

Jennifer said...

Oh man. I want a cabin at Priest Lake. You basically get the best of both worlds--Idaho and NYC. Lucky girl.

Lisa Olsen said...

I don't know you (jen rauzon's mom), but sure enjoyed these photos of this beautiful place! Looks like you made such wonderful family memories.

Kera said...

Amazing. really. beautiful beautiful beautiful. these pictures will be treasures to us. wow. that sounded cheesy. but its what i meant. cheesy is ok i think :)
i think its time for me to donate that orange cover up to good will.

Tara Edwards said...

I think you need to make a Hudson family coffee table book :) Seriously I kept wanting to right click and copy them! Love the pictures (but love that we are going to see eachother in less than a week even more)!

Diana said...

Oh my gosh, you are UH-MAZING! Those photos make me feel like I was there. What a wonderful vacation it must've been!

Kera said...

the coffee book is a great idea. i am obsessed with your pictures. i want to make a book of your pictures for our coffee table :)

Missy said...

I like the coffee table book idea too. In fact, suddenly I'm wanting to take photos of all the details in my home so that when we move I can have a coffee table book of our past homes.

I like the first comment best on this post. I felt the same way.

Are you on a plane back there already?! I'm so happy for you if you are...

erin said...

SIGH. pretty. very, very pretty.