Jul 23, 2009



Catch a flight home tomorrow (the sort-of-sick feeling in my tummy has already started).
Go to Bryan's mission farewell in New Canaan on Sunday.
A few fun days in the city with Mike & friends (I hope they remember me).
Back to Priest Lake on Friday where everyone in the Hudson Family Tree will be. Can't wait.


Missy said...

that photo is so great kathryn! i love it.

are you just reading a ton while you are there? i can't imagine a better place than that dock to sit and read

Mandy Sue said...

Cute swimsuit! Where did you get it?

Lizzie said...

My favorite thing about this picture is that your Dad is holding your hand. Looks like a fun time!

Katherine said...

I also love your swimming suit! Glad you had fun up here, at least it was nice and hot for you.

Erin said...

OH, I totally know that sick feeling you are talking about. Used to get it EVERY TIME I went back to NY. Even though I loved the city, I just missed the fam...

What a fun picture, and a darling suit. I wish I had the bubbies to keep one of those things up... Dang it! :)

Lindsey said...

fun, kathryn. i'm so happpy for you.

Lula. said...

you are one lucky girl to be at such a beautiful place, doing so many fun things. i wish i was part of your family so i could enjoy that lake house like you guys do!

i just caught up on your blog after weeks of absence. as always, beautiful photos. and i love mike's posts.

Nae-nae said...

It was so good to see you! Hope you didnt get stuck in minneapolis like you thought you would!

Jennifer said...

Nice legs. And cute suit. Love the pink bottoms. Your dad looks fun.

k. said...

Mandy, my top is from Lucky. I bought it at the Disney World water park. Random. :) The bottoms are JCrew.