Aug 17, 2009

The end.

I'm off to the woods again tomorrow (Girls' Camp!). I'm afraid of tics, but I'm sure it will be a lovely time. Just make sure to keep your fingers (& toes) double-crossed for me.

Here's the last(ish) of the photos from the forest in the northwest.

(Tara took this.)

(Tara's camera.)

(Tara's camera.)

(Tara's camera.)

(Tara's camera.)

(Tara's camera.)

(Tara's camera.)

(Tara's camera.)

(Tara's camera.)


Missy said...

Kathryn, I really really just love all these photos.

When do you go back? Do you guys ever do Christmas there? I can only imagine how GORGEOUS it would be.

Good luck at camp. I have a fear of tics too.

Melissa said...

I love all your photos! The one of you and Mike kissing is so cute and I love all the ones of your Dad... he looks so happy and content!

Good luck at girl's camp! :)

Meggan said...

What are those name tag things? I love them and want some!

You take great pics.

Angie said...

You do such a good job of capturing how it really is. Like the shot of the steps up to the diving platform, the burgers on the grill, the bee trap, the nametags... as well as all the great portraits. I feel like I was there, you know?

k. said...

Thanks M. :)

My mom made up a bead system, sort of like summer camp for all of the nieces & nephews. Every activity completed (e.g. kayaking to the island, swimming a certain distance, learning to build a fire or to identify the big dipper, etc) earned them a bead. It was lots of fun & kept them all very busy & excited.

dad said...

Good stuff!!