Aug 31, 2009

Happy Monday.

The forecast in New York for the next week is just about as perfect as perfect can be. Today? 71 degrees? 71!! Labor Day Weekend? The US Open next Monday? It all looks perfect.

We've had a very bizarre summer back east this year, but you know what? I'm not complaining a bit. I've loved it, & with fall apparently right around the corner, I can't wait to start wearing jeans, sweaters, scarves & jackets again.

We won't talk about the "W" word quite yet. That's still months away.


noelle said...

oh fall. autumn is my very favorite season. everything smells better, crisper and cinnamon-y and pumpkin-y. and autumn colors make me feel good inside.

thanks for your blog comment, funny girl. i responded with my thoughts. and i still say go see it, that way you can come back to me and tell me what you think! but maybe go with mike so he can, you know, be there to hold your hand.

ellen said...

It's beautiful in Boston today! Very Fall-ish. I'll take it!