Sep 1, 2009

The brownie won.

My thought process at 6:47am this morning?

Brownie? Hmm.

Kashi Good Friends (affectionately called The Dog Food cereal).


Cinnamon Puffins.




The brownie won.

Thanks to friends Jill & Wyatt (+ Sean) for kindly taking me in last night in my time of solitude this week & feeding me dinner & dessert. Chocolate & mint is always a lovely combination. But seriously, Jill? Was it necessary to put four brownies in my purse? FOUR?! You know that I'm home alone this week, impairing my decision making ability. Clearly they will immediately become my best breakfast & soon-to-be lunch (i.e. snack) options. Not nice, Jill. Not very nice at all.


ellen said...

Nothing wrong with brownies for breakfast!

Kera said...

i always lose this war if i have left over desert from the night before, but i sort of love it.