Aug 23, 2009

An unexpected yet lovely combination of China Town + Gelato all in one evening.

There is just never an excuse to be bored in New York City. There's just not.

4 1/2 years later, I fell in love with the city all over again. Last night was so fun. I loved wandering, seeing all of the different people, eating delicious food, being out at 11pm with so many other people, seeing the beautiful lights... And I loved walking. I love, love, love that New York is a walking city, that my feet take me almost everywhere I want to go. I love that when I don't want to walk, there is reliable, inexpensive public transportation. I don't dream of the inconvenience of having a car.

Saturday night was date night, after being apart since Tuesday. Mike took me down to China town for foot / leg massages at Foot Heaven. I've always loved a good back massage, but had never had a real foot massage (besides a pedicure). It was lovely. Very relaxing, & so soothing for my tired body. Mike & I were sitting side-by-side so I was lucky enough to witness the sweet older Chinese women ogling over his beautiful, pretty feet. Their words, not mine, although I'd agree that Mike does have nice feet - they just don't make me giggle like they did for these women. The only other communication we managed to have was them looking at both of us, continuing to giggle & saying baby honey, baby honey, aww over & over again while pointing & smiling. I showed them my ring, signifying that we were married, & they giggled some more. They obviously thought we were a precious couple. Or maybe I had too many s'mores at Girl's Camp & they thought that I had something in the womb?

Oh - my favorite part about Foot Heaven was the sign that said Legitimate Service Only. No hanky panky. Did anyone catch Mike's facebook status update today? Borderline inappropriate, but made me giggle nonetheless (it included a reference to, ahem - oh never mind, I just can't say it on the internet).

Our second stop was for soup dumplings at Joe's Shanghai right across the street. I met a scary-yet-cute looking dog outside. We were seated quickly. It was crowded but vibrant. Grand total for dinner? $16 & it was delicious (+ our tummies were very full). We loved the communal seating, meaning that we shared a table with 8 strangers. It was perfectly comfortable, although it was a bit embarrassing to have my plate covered in soup after I was finished, versus our neighbors perfectly clean plates sitting there in pristine contrast. They had obviously mastered the technique of eating soup dumplings. I'll do better next time. They're slippery little things.

After dinner we walked through China Town, & caught a subway to Greenwich Village. We stopped & listened to a band playing on the sidewalk & wandered through the streets that looked like they needed exploring. I love the village & don't go there nearly often enough, so I'm adding that to my list. Greenwich Village expedition. So many shops & restaurants that we want to try. Among them? We made a stop at Cones for some gelato. We've had so many friends tell us about this place over the years (Bowens, Monsons, Madabhushis...) & we finally made it. Mike ordered banana, I ordered dark chocolate & then we decided that of course we had to share. A perfect banana split. I'd definitely go back, although I didn't love that they only let me sample two flavors. Geesh.

I think Washington Square Park is beautiful at night, so we wandered through so that I could snap some photos. I loved seeing people playing speed chess, sitting with their dogs, the people protesting various things, even the woman bathing in the fountain (gross, yet endearing?). Such a mixed bag of people.

(Speaking of photos. I'm so happy to have my camera back. I took my point & shoot to camp & I took about 7 photos total. Call me a snob. I just really love my big camera & the flexibility it gives me. I'm excited to take a few more classes this month. Hopefully I'll get better. I've got a long ways to go.)

When we were walking, Mike & I talked about what it felt like driving our moving van through China Town (on accident - we were totally lost) on a Tuesday in May of 2005. I was terrified. Overwhelmed. Without friends. Newly married. Very naive.

I love where we're at. I love us as a family. I'm happy with my life, with who I am, with who we are. I love that we've built a life here, gotten to know so many amazing people & made New York City our home. I love that I feel like I've grown up here. I love our church & the opportunities to be involved. I love how comfortable we feel. I especially love that our home is full of so many hidden discoveries, that every day can be a new adventure if we make it. I'm adding things to my New York To Do list every day. I don't think I'll ever check all of the boxes.


Erin said...

ok, I know I say it on EVERY post, but THIS one made me ESPECIALLY miss the city. (We call it OUR CITY too :)) Greenwich is where we lived and frequented everyday, and those pictures of the park?? Oh how I love them. I'm glad your so into picture taking so I can live vicariously through you!!!

Glad girls camp was so great. Wish we were in NY for pictures too. sigh. Oh, well...

Jan said...

Sometimes i feel like a little bird sitting on your shoulder. Thanks so much for the view!

Louise said...

I love seeing New York through your eyes too - it really makes me want to come back. Beautiful pictures - I love Washington Square Park.

Morgan said...

This post makes me miss New York soooo much. So much, as in I'm sitting here about to cry. It really is so amazing, definitely my favorite big city. I can completely understand why you love it so much.

Beautiful pictures! It looks like the two of you had a lovely evening.

Diana said...

You definitely need to write a tourist's guide to NYC. Your descriptions are great!

Kellie said...

You did it to me! This post made me miss the city so much I could have cried :(

Must visit soon!

huebscher said...

really enjoying your tourism posts, as I'll be up there soon — but not just *playing* tourist. lovely pics.

what do you shoot with?

k. said...

Hi huebscher. Thanks!

I primarily shoot with a Canon Rebel XSi (soon to upgrade!!) & a 24-70mm 2.8/L lens. I have a 50mm that I use often as well, & a 55-250mm that I don't use as often.