Aug 24, 2009

Reason #576 why I love New York.

Step 1: Haul 26 (26!!) pounds of laundry down the elevator & halfway down the block.
Step 2: Hand over to the nice ladies at the dry cleaner / tailor / wash & fold.
Step 3: Pay less money to have them wash it than I would have paid to do it myself.
Step 4: Get home to two bags of tightly folded laundry delivered to my door.

Why did I not start doing this four years ago?


Jan said...

Man, oh man.
One more way to save money! How clever you are!
...and it probably came out cleaner.

Heidi said...

Were you okay with them being all shrink wrapped like that?

Tara Edwards said...

I am so looking for a place here in West Linn to do that!!!! Seriously!

Lindsey said...

um, that is really so great. i'm so glad you do that. i love that it's cheaper than doing it yourself.

Julia said...

I have a few questions:
- do you send them everything?
- do you put stain remover on stuff before you take it, or do you show them the stains like you do at the dry cleaner?
- what about stuff you don't want put in the dryer?
- how long does it take? Is it same day?

I can't believe it costs less than doing it at home. Sending laundry out seems so luxurious (especially that they fold it-- I hate that part)!

k. said...

Heidi - yes. It wasn't wrinkly. Everything was very nicely folded. And it makes it easier to carry in my bag.

Julia -

I send everything except what I want to hand wash / put in the delicate cycle / air dry. That's not A LOT of stuff (I take issue with clothes that demand me washing them in the sink or tub).

I normally don't have stained clothes (the joy of being childless, I suppose??), but if I do stain something, I generally get it out before I put it in the wash.

It's same-day. If I drop it off by 9 or 10, they always have it done by 2 or 3.


Jill said...

if i find a place that does it for cheaper than our own laundry mat, then i'm totally doing this again. right now, the place below us ends up being about $8-$10 i can't justify it.

Mindy said...

I need to go to your wash & fold...where is it? Mine is definitely NOT cheaper than the do-it-myself method. But time saver it is, and since my landlord won't put a washer in my building, I know the process well. I love this City!

Jennifer said...

I have a washer and dryer and I'd still prefer to send it out.

Love your posts about the city lately. Makes me wish for a weekend getaway soon.

Missy said...

I'm with Jen...I first heard about this from Juice. He sends his out too and I asked if I could SHIP him my laundry to have them do it. I don't like folding laundry.