Aug 15, 2009

Take Me Out to the Ball Game (2nd attempt).

This afternoon's Mets game turned out a lot better than our last attempt. I probably took a dozen of the same photos, but hey - a blue / white sky looks a lot better than grey.

We went out to Queens with the Lloyds & Mike's dad who has been flying solo in New Canaan while Jeanne has been traveling. Saturday was beautiful, & we were happy to actually see a relatively decent game of baseball (keeping in mind that I consider baseball almost as exciting as watching an ice cube melt). It was a little scary when we thought David Wright was dead after getting hit on the head by a 93mph pitch, but other than that - a fun game, good food (Shake Shack, of course - the food options are so amazing at Citi Field) & good company. Wyatt & I were buddies as soon as he woke up (I loved his little shoes + socks), sang all of the words to Take Me Out to the Ball Game during the 7th Inning stretch (I sang, he gurgled), & danced to all of the Beach Boys songs. Good times.

(An accidental photo. Oops. But I liked it.)

Align Center
Real fans get tattooed.

1 comment:

Jill said...

We had a lot of fun at the game. And thanks for being Wyatt's buddy. He loves you.

ps. why do i have that ugly scowl on my face?
pps. your eyelashes look lovely
ppps. i just got a good look at that lady's tattoo, and what it said. really? she is a true fan i guess.