Aug 16, 2009

This tight feeling in my throat just won't go away.

There is in every true woman's heart a spark of heavenly fire,
which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity; but which
kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity.

-Washington Irving

Did you see Nie Nie's post today yet?

I love the way they're looking at each other.

It caused an immediate influx of thoughts on true love, eternal perspective, vanity, the makeup that I wear, my relationship with my husband, with my family, my priorities, my friends, what kind of mother I hope to be.

It made me cry because I my heart breaks for her (I can't even imagine)... but also because I'm happy for her because she knows the story, & sometimes - I think that makes all the difference.


Annie said...

Thank you for putting into words, my feelings.......

Heidi said...

I was definitely touched. She is a true example to me in so many ways.

Erica said...

I feel the exact same way. Thanks for putting it into words... oh my heart is breaking.

Miggy said...

very well put.

noelle said...

sigh. me, too.

Jill said...

she is so inspiring.

Morgan said...

Very well said, Kathryn. I agree with it all.
Over the course of the past year, I have shed so many tears of sadness for Nie, Christian, and their family. Yesterday, upon seeing that picture, the tears were a little different. They were happier. Stephanie and Christian look so happy. I couldn't help but to smile through my tears. Through Nie's example, she is teaching us all such a valuable lesson.