Aug 25, 2009


A few things.

The search function on Blogger is broken - at least on many blogs (including mine). The discussion forums are all up in flames over this. Apparently it's been a problem since July. It's frustrating, especially on Wire Whisk when I want to find a certain little yummy something & have to dig through a zillion posts to find it. And this blog? It has been (insert cliché) a little diary for me, & sometimes I use it as a reference of sorts, you know, to remember what I was doing at a particular time, what I thought, what I liked, what I hated, etc. And some of you (thanks StatCounter) have been searching for things too, unfortunately to no avail as well. Although sometimes the things that you search for are strange. And make me a teensy bit nervous.

I digress.

Ingrid Michaelson's new album came out today. I love her.

I blow dried my hair today ALL. THE. WAY. I curled it. I wore an extra coat of mascara. A suit. Heels (I hate heels). A shirt with buttons all the way down, that I had to tuck in. I felt like such a dork. So boring & conservative, in my navy & violet. I'm happier right now, in my slouchy tshirt & shorts, barefoot. After talking about myself for another hour-plus with a potential empoloyer, my unemployed self is having an identity crisis with what used to be my very-much-employed self. My sister Tara reminded me that if / when I get an offer, I need to remind them that one afternoon per week needs to be reserved for a cupcake outing. Completely reasonable, no?

I bought new mascara. MAC's new Plush Lash. I really like it. After looking scary in a few photos, I decided I needed a little more oomph from my lashes, even though I've been loving my Supernova Mascara (Fresh). This does the trick without being gross & clumpy. I love that MAC will let you take anything back that you don't like, too. And it was $14. Instead of $25. AND - I wore it, & a woman in a store told me I had pretty eyes. That's a first.

I went to Madewell yesterday for the first time, after they sent me like 28,000 unsolicited emails in the past year (they share a CEO with JCrew). I like that shop. They have the softest tshirts I've ever found (refer to previously said slouchy tshirt). Two-for-$30. I was happy. Their jeans are great too, & the first Thursday of every month is a denim event - 20% off all denim, free drinks (!!), free tailoring, etc. etc. I might just become a fan.

I got my bangs trimmed yesterday. They're too short. They'll be too long in about 5 days.

I had a dream the other night that caused me to wake up in uncontrollable sobs. Not awesome. Have you ever had that happen? I have, probably a few too many times to be normal. They leave me feeling sick for about 24 hours. No fun.

I'm not being very good at running. I just booked my ticket to San Francisco. Gulp.

I'm going on a girl-date tonight & I'm very excited. Love my friends.

The Creers are coming to visit. I'm excited for that, too.


Lindsey said...

I like hearing your updates and I want to know how the interview went and what you thought of the firm! I think a cupcake outing once a week is a very good idea, gotta keep some balance in your life, right?

Morgan said...

I, too, am a fan of that Madewell. I went for the first time about a month ago and the deals were beyond fabulous. I got the most adorable $80 shirt for, get this, TEN bucks! It was, by far, the most amazing deal of my life. I'm absolutely terrible when it comes to finding good deals, so I'm quite proud of that one:)