Sep 3, 2009


It was about 78˚ today. Amazing. Friend Corinne & I decided to meet at Shake Shack for lunch. She's one of my original friends in the city, from our days living downtown.

(Tangent: Now that I think about it, we don't have many friends that we've had for all four+ years of living in New York, people who are still around & haven't moved to the likes of California or Zion [the guilty know who they are, & probably have a bad feeling inside right this very second because they miss us so much]. I think this makes the Monsons special to us.)

Anyway. She & Kyle are Upper West Siders now & parents to the awesome little baby Ada who has recently learned the new trick of opening her eyes & looking at you. It's impressive, I promise. She's also very much not-ugly, which makes for perfectly not-awkward encounters where I can sincerely say what a cute baby they have, instead of calling it precious, or sweet. 

After eating our food & sitting on those really great benches on 77th  Street by the Museum of Natural History (you know, those benches) friend Erin - who has triumphantly returned from Utah - finally!! - & I walked across the park, got lost in The Ramble (or the Damn Ramble, as it should be called from this day forward) of course, & headed to Jill's to apply another coat of paint to my little project.

Oh happy day. 


Julia C. said...

Ugh, the Ramble! Why are there no maps whatsoever in that specific area of the park? I'm always getting lost there - especially when I need to get out of the park because I need something to eat or drink, have to meet someone or go to an appointment, have to use the bathroom, or just am ready to leave the park! I mean, I guess it's not the worst problem to have...but come on. Maps would help.

erin said...

it's a good thing we had good conversation through the damn ramble. i hate the ramble.