Sep 20, 2009

Backyard wanderings.

(photo courtesy of Suzi's iPhone)

Sometimes I fall into the trap of sleeping my Sunday afternoon away. Today was one of those days where I really wanted to, but knew I shouldn't. I mean, 74 degrees & sunny in New York City? Are you kidding me? Priceless. There was a Stake Priesthood meeting this afternoon that swept the boys away, so Suzi & I convinced each other to get out of our sweatpants & into the park for a few-hour stroll. Spotted: lots of dogs, a really great jazz band (see that man? playing TWO trumpets at once!), & the roller skating / hula hooping party that I secretly want to participate in someday.
I love Central Park. Have I mentioned that before? I don't think we'll ever be able to live south of 60th Street again.


Jan said...

Indeed - you have a GREAT backyard....ever changing...ever fascinating. Thanks for sharing!

Suzi said...

You forgot to mention that you saw my child throwing various fits and requesting more buses and helicopters. It was the perfect afternoon strolling through the park. Love New York-you just have to.

Lindsey said...

love the picture. two trumpets? that's amazing.

Louise said...

I love this picture - and I love Central Park too. I really believe that it makes New York special. I'm glad you had a fun Sunday - and that it made up for the non-nap!