Sep 1, 2009

Jacksons in Central Park.

I took photos of the Jackson three this afternoon. The highlight was maybe when I stabbed myself in the eye with my camera strap (?!) & was blind for a solid 5 minutes. But we got some shots that I'm quite pleased with, so I can stop being nervous now. Pretending to be a photographer is stressful sometimes (but oh how I love it). More later.

(Side note: Mike, please come home now. I've already reorganized my closet by color, my shoes by type & color, sorted through all of our old magazines, put away all the laundry, cleaned out the bathroom cupboards & re-written my "to do" list 27 times. And, your gym drawer is now full of neatly folded [or rolled] tshirts, shorts & underoos. I think maybe your junk drawer is next. Also, I watched two hours of Courtney & Khloe Take Miami tonight. And there might only be one brownie left. Heaven help me).


Jill said...

i'm excited to see the rest. :) and i'm glad you're not blind...

emily said...

cute cute! Can't wait to see more! Stop being nervous?! Let me know when that kicks in... :)