Sep 14, 2009

First day of seminary.

This morning I discovered that the early sky looks like an over photoshopped photo. You know, like maybe when you take a photo of the sky with your camera on landscape mode? Everything over saturated.
Seriously. I was walking to get bagels & orange juice at 5:50am this morning (let's say that again for extra emphasis here - FIVE. FIFTY. IN. THE. MORNING.) & it was still quite dark, but I think the sun must have just been peeking up over the skyline, because the sky was just this incredible shade of turquoise.  Seriously, it was fluorescent.  A deep, bright blue.
It was amazing.
I haven't woken up this early in weeks (um, months) & it was admittedly a tiny bit painful this morning, but as I was walking to our church building this morning I realized that I'm doing this because I believe. It's as simple as that, & I know I couldn't get out of bed otherwise.
I have this tendency where I often try to sort of inappropriately bargain with God, trying to work out some sort of deal of demanded blessings in exchange for service. But I think that this morning, my small reward was just seeing that beautiful sky. I didn't even ask for it, but it was perfect & it was enough


Jan said...

I think many blessings come that way....little notes from a God who is so aware of our love language. I would say I am proud of you(which I am), but more than that I am happy for you to have this experience.

Mary Elizabeth Liberty said...

Bless you!

Lindsey said...

I kinda still can't believe you are seminary teacher, but i kinda think it's really cool...

I like your mom's point about the little notes from God. I'm going to remember that.

Caitlin said...

I think you will get major props for regularly waking at 5 a.m. to tech gospel principles to half a sleep teenagers.

I think if you were Catholic it would qualify you for sainthood.

Louise said...

Hmmm, loved this post. You will be more blessed than you can even comprehend for serving in this calling. What an honour.

noelle said...

applause, applause, applause. this calling frightens me. i bet you are amazing. blessings out the wazoo for you, my friend.

erin said...

i hope you went to bed at 7 pm. you had a long, yet rewarding, yet long day

Missy said...

This calling is not one I would ever desire, but this post made it sound almost enviable.

Lauren said...

Wow. That's commendable. I don't know how I would handle being a seminary teacher at 5am. Way to go.

I wish you captured that sunset on film. I bet you do, too.

Kera said...

waking up to take my kids to early morning seminary is going to be a rude awakening for me. especially growing up in utah where it was every hour of the day. i'm sad i didn't take advantage of that . . . or ever go to seminary.

Debbie said...

Ahhh - I remember a cute young lady drifting in with something to "tide her over" and MAYBE wearing jammie pants on occasion? Never a problem - you were a treasure and still are!