Sep 13, 2009

Greenwich Village.

Our Saturday night: Dinner with friends Amy & Tim at Keste (amazing), window shopping while we waited for our table (I'm coveting a pair of above-the-knee-high brown boots), wandering through the Village & running into a really great jazz (ish) band playing in the middle of the street for a neighborhood party, gelato & a nice subway ride back home to the Upper East Side.

It was fun.

(PS - One of these days I want to go down to the Village & just wander & get lost. Anyone want to come??)


Tara Edwards said...

I'll come! Next Friday?

Lula. said...

ooh. i do! i do!

oh wait.

great photos (as always).

Lauren said...

I love Greenwich Village. Did you get the gelato at groam? I am always up for getting a babysitter and wandering.

Kylie Whiting said...

keste is sooo good! i want it now.