Sep 3, 2009

Hello internet, please excuse my pores.

I'm happy that Mike got home tonight (even though he came home & went straight to bed - 6pm, what?!). I do scary things when he's gone.

(I like Origins' masks, by the way)


molly said...

I love their masks too. Plan on using one tonight!

Suzi said...

I seriously think you look so pretty in the pic. Not even kidding.

Julia C. said...

Yeah, you look quite a bit better than I do in a face mask! I won't even come out of the bathroom when I use mine, let alone show it to the internet.

Missy said...

Um, I don't see any pores!

Are your eyes really that green?? (of course they are, but I can't believe it!)

eyre blog said...

nice application Kathryn! I completely agree with Suzi. You're simply gorgeous. and thank you for posting this picture.

suz said...

I actually like the photo. You look amazing in a mask!

Lauren said...

You should be the poster model for masks. Seriously, how do you look so beautiful in a MASK?