Sep 16, 2009

It was little. And red.

Gosh, I still haven't posted my photos from our little adventure up north. From Monday! I will. Tomorrow. It's midnight, we just got home from Ingrid Michaelson's concert at Webster Hall (love her - & Kellie, please move back to New York already) & I'm teaching a lesson in approximately 6 hours.



Abbie said...

It was little.

Good luck with your class tomorrow. If you're too tired to think straight, grab a Ukulele and sing Creep. That will bring the spirit really fast.

Why am I awake?

Jill said...

amazing picture kathryn. i have been wanting to pay a visit to that lighthouse.

Kellie said...

She'll be here next month! I'm super excited. You know I secretly want to move back, the only exception was when I read your bed bug post (yikes)! Miss you. xoxo.

Morgan said...

I love this picture very, very much.