Sep 17, 2009

We survived to tell the tale.

(Fall is coming.)
I try to keep things interesting by maintaining a running list - I like lists - of fun adventures I want to do in Manhattan. The list is sort of ever-evolving & endless, which is wonderful - &  most-of-the-time I end up loving my city even more because of my outings & explorations. So many things to do, so many things to see, right? What's not to love? Traveling up to The Little Red Lighthouse was a tiny bit more of adventure than I maybe thought it would be, but hey, at least I got to make that fun little check mark on my list (I find checkmarks to be the most satisfying of all markings).

Here's how the day went, although reading Erin & Jill's recaps are likely well worth your time.
  1. Two pregnant friends, two strollers, two toddlers, 1 childless / not pregnant friend travel up to Washington Heights via the 4, D & E trains (think lots of transfers, lots & lots of stairs & quite a few broken escalators). Approximately 1 hour.
  2. Three adults meet with friend Abbie & head west on 181st Street & maybe make a little bit of a wrong turn. 
  3. Three adults + now-4 children find themselves wandering on a rocky path in the lone & dreary world amidst hobos who have made an apparent permanent home under the overpass. The forrest isn't quite like what I find at Priest Lake. It's full of bugs, broken glass, tent cities, & illicit drugs (being used, in front of us), with the occasional smell of nature. 
  4. Said group makes questionable decision to walk through a tunnel beneath the Henry Hudson Parkway, despite warnings from construction worker that perhaps it just isn't a good idea
  5. Survival. Phew.
  6. Bug bites begin to itch. But we're not being followed, which is good. 
  7. After off-roading through the woods, finally find a concrete path & meet with friend Melanie next to the river, under the George Washington Bridge, at the Little Red Light House.
  8. As expected, it is little & quite red. 
Getting home was almost as much of an adventure, with an A train that decided not to stop, a detour to Shake Shack (where Wyatt finally succumbed to a day without a nap), & a nice little celebrity sighting to remind us that it was all worth it.
I suppose it had all the working of a good movie - anticipation, drama, suspense, danger, happiness & ultimate satisfaction (after a nice meal on the benches by the Museum of Natural History, following a five hour outing that we thought would be about 3).
Next time we'll take a cab. 


erin said...

nobody hipped me to the fact that the construction worker frowned upon our route. this just keeps getting better.

Abbie said...

wrong turn was totally my fault. So so sorry. I really wasn't trying to get us killed. I'm glad we survived. And I'm glad you got a Kelly sighting and some Shake Shack. Thanks for coming up.

Jill said...

i'm exhausted all over again just reading that. and yes, erin, we were were warned about proceeding through the tunnel. it was probably better that we did not share that little tid bit with the rest of the group.

so what's next on the list?!

ps. i still say that girl was just checking her makeup? in the mirror. bc homeless people are really concerned about looking there very best. not snorting a line.

Kera said...
