Sep 12, 2009

The Mormon Missionary in China Town.

See the piece in the New York Times here.


Angie said...

Wow, that was so well done. Finally a non-biased depiction of the LDS faith, letting her tell the story herself. It was also interesting to read the comments on the story. Most were positive, but I never realized the negative attitude some people have towards organized religion. How sad!

noelle said...

that was lovely. thanks for sharing. as for the raspberry cobblers - i've been longing to make those ever since she posted it on her blog. but maybe i'll wait until i'm in a more baking-friendly elevation. we'll see how long my will power lasts.

Ryan said...

very tasteful. thanks for sharing.

Lizzie said...

Someone just emailed this to me. JT & I watched it twice, it is very powerful. I love missionaries. Can't wait to email this along to my parents.

Missy said...

I just spent too long watching all of those stories. Holy smokes! Did you listen to the bank robber and PI ones?

She seemed totally and completely sincere. I loved it.