Sep 11, 2009

Raspberry Cobblers.

You know, just a typical Friday afternoon for me, making treats with friends Erin & Jill. I think of all the treats we've made (& we've made many), these are the winners. Topped with lots & lots of whipped cream. Amazing. I guess you could say that I had them for an afternoon treat & dinner, too. Sorry Mike, but you seemed happy enough to have a few yourself in lieu of something more nutritious & protein-filled.

Go make them right this very minute. You'll probably want to send me a thank you card in the mail afterwards. 


erin said...

they made a perfect side dish to my bowl of cream. best friday in a long time.

Mike said...

I ate six of them. I feel horrible, yet strangely satisfied.

Lindsey said...

okay, i am adding this to my "to bake" list.

Jennifer said...

Oh man. I made them. And I ate a lot of them.

Unknown said...

Kathryn, what was your trick to get them to not stick on the bottom?? Mine were yummy.. but definitely broken. I'm making them again tomorrow though for company, so hopefully round 2 will go better.

And I cannot believe how easy they were! I guess anything with that much sugar and butter is bound to be delicious.

Unknown said...
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